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Improve Vision

Ingredients: calcining calamine, borneol, Huang Lian, Hu Po, Xia borax (Ti Jing), Zhen Zhu (pearl), manual Niu Huang (bezoar), Xiong Dan, She Xiang

Indications: clearing fire, dispersing wind, eliminating nebula, brightening eyes. It can be used for acute attack of conjunctivitis, recent or chronic trachoma, pterygium etc. We now often use it for treatment of acute conjunctivitis, allergic conjunctivitis etc.

Dosage and method: powder: 0.625g per bottle. Using eye droppings stick dipping this eye medicine after dipping cool water, then dropping the eyewater into eyes, closing eyes, making eyewater spread all over eyes, dodging the wind, 3 times per day.

Contraindications: spicy and pungent food.


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