Influenza is a kind of acute febrile disease characterized by high fever, pain on the whole body, cough, sore throat, Diarrhea and vomiting under abnormal change of climate. We summarize and self-make "Xin Jia Guan Xiu Sheng Jiang San " for the treatment of influenza and obtain good effect. Ingredients include Guan Zhong, Zao Xiu, Jiang Can, Jiang Huang, Da Huang, Jin Yin Hua, Pu Gong Ying, Jin Jie. Modification: add Shan Dou Gen, Ban Lan Gen for severe sore throat ( II - III degree of tonsil enlargement ); add Zhi Mu, sheng Shi Gao for very high fever ( more than 40℃ temperature on axillary region ) and thirst with preference to drink cold water, large amount of sweating, tidal pulse; add Xuan Shen, Bai Mao Gen for epistaxis; add Yu Zhu, Shi Hu, Lu Gen, Tian Hua Fen for consumption of body fluid by heat and dryness and still exterior syndrome; add Sang Ye, Yu Xing Cao, Tian Zhu Huang for cough and sticky sputum with yellow color.
Key words: influenza, Xin Jia Guan Xiu Sheng Jiang San
Writer: Jinsheng Bao
TCM Hospital in Luliang County, Yunnan Province