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The traditional moxibustion therapy is to ignite the moxa stick (or moxa cone) first and then stimulates certain parts of the body (points) with it to treat and prevent diseases, and the therapy is one of the old but most effective therapies of the Traditional Chinese medicine. The therapy has been developed earlier than acupuncture and herbal medicine, and it is of simple and easy operation and it achieves remarkable therapeutic effects. The therapy has enjoyed a great popularity over hundreds of years and has been widely spread among the folk people, its excellent functions in treatment and health preservation that can not be substitute for. However, there are disadvantages of this therapy, such as the difficulties in mastering the time, temperature, and distance; the liability in burning the patient's skin while the moxa is ignited, all of these have greatly hindered the application and popularization of the moxibustion therapy.

Electro-moxibustion instrument has inherited the remarkable therapeutic effect of the moxibustion therapy, has overcome the disadvantages of the moxibustion, has ended the primitive backward way of lightening the moxa and being enveloped in smoke, it has become to be highly effective, safe, convenient and sanitary, it has realized the overall application of the moxibustion therapy in the families.


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