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Transform Phlegm, Stop Coughing  and Asthma

Ingredients: Zi Su Zi, Hou Pu, Qian Hu, Gan Cao, Ban Xia (prepared by ginger), Chen Pi, Dang Gui, Chen Xiang, Da Zao, Sheng Jiang.

Indications: lowering qi and resolving phlegm, warming kidney, improving the qi-receiving function. It can be used for symptoms of cough and asthma due to rebellion of qi and phlegm obstruction, fullness sensation on chest, discomfort in throat, dizziness, lumbar pain and weak feet, fatigue etc. We now use it for treatment of above symptoms caused by chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, pulmonary heart disease etc.

Dosage: water-paste pills: 13 granules' weight is 1g, 6g per time, 2 times each day, oral taking with warm water before meals.

Contraindications: yin deficiency, red tongue without coating. Raw cold and greasy food.


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