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Transform Phlegm, Stop Coughing  and Asthma

Ingredients: Ma Huang, raw Shi Gao, Xing Ren, Gan Cao Jin Gao (licorice extract block) etc.

Indications: red tongue with white or slightly yellow coating, wiry and rapid pulse or floating and rapid pulse. It has the function of clearing-dispersing lung heat, promoting

the function of lung and resolving asthma. It can be used for flu, bronchitis, virus pneumonia, measles intercurrent pneumonia etc in clinic. It is effective for symptoms of

high fever, slight aversion to cold due to wind-cold attacking interior then leading to heat stasis, body fever and headache, upsetting sensation, thirst, cough, urgent asthma,

mucous phlegm with yellow color.

Dosage: sirup: 100ml per bottle, oral taking, 15ml each time, 3 times every day.

Contraindication: spicy food, yin deficiency cough.


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