The Emperor said: the yin and yang are the law of the heaven and earth, the rule of everything, the parents of variations, the root of life and death, and the palace of spirit. The root must be sought in treatment. So, accumulations of the yang constitute the heaven, and accumulations of the yin constitute the earth. The yin is tranquil, and the yang is restless. As the yang is generated, The yin grows. As the yang is harsh (reaping), the yin is blockaded (hiding). The yang produces (transform to) the qi, and the yin produces (forms) the shape.
Extreme cold engenders heat, and extreme heat engenders cold. The cold qi generates turbidity, and the hot qi generates clearness. If the clear yang is suppressed downward, it will cause Diarrhea containing undigested foods. If the turbid yin is carried upward, it will cause abdominal distention. When the yin and yang are disordered, disease is induced.

"As the yang is generated, the yin grows. As the yang is harvested, the yin begins storing, The yang transforms into the qi, and the yin forms the shape."

Key Words: topic on correspondences and manifestations, Yin and Yang, the plain questions