When we see the syndrome of Adolescent Metrorrhagia and Metrostaxis, use self-made Tiao Jing Zhi Xue Tang as basic prescription, and modify the prescription according to patients' syndrome of cold, heat, deficiency, excess. The prescription ingredients include
Dang Gui,
Bai Shao Yao,
Shu Di Huang,
Chuan Xiong,
San Qi (dissolving in water),
Xian He Cao,
E Jiao (dissolved),
Gan Cao,
Xu Duan. The Si Wu Tang in this prescription has the function of nourishing and harmonizing blood, regulating meridians, San Qi has the function of regulation of two-way, it can promote the circulation of blood and stopping bleeding, its nature is mild, Xu Duan can tonify kidney in order to reinforce Chong and Ren meridian, Gan Cao may harmonize above herbs, its function of stopping bleeding can be strengthened when it is used together with E Jiao.
Key words: Self Built Tiao Jing Zhi Xue Tang, Adolescent Metrorrhagia and Metrostaxis
Writer: Li Wang, Rina Wu
Bao Tou city center hospital, inner Mongolia (014040)