There are 34 clinic patients who have symptoms of dizziness, fatigue, poor appetite, different levels of both lower limbs edema and swollen eyelids, including 30 cases with combination of fever and aversion to cold, 28 cases with nausea and vomiting, 29 cases with abdominal distention, 28 cases with headache, 28 cases with lumbar soreness and distention pain, 18 cases with frequent urgent urination pain. All the patients were treated by Ma
Huang Lian Qiao
Chi Xiao Dou Tang with modification, basic prescription as?
Ma Huang 6g,
Lian Qiao 18g, Chi Xiao Dou 20g,
Sang Bai Pi 15g,
Xing Ren 10g,
Sheng Jiang 3g,
Da Zao 6g, raw
Gan Cao 6g,
Lu Gen 30g,
Bai Mao Gen 30g. Adding
Yin Chen Hao 18g if there is damp-heat, adding
Yi Mu Cao 18g and
Dan Shen 12g if there is combination of blood stagnation, adding
Xian He Cao 30g if there is severe bleeding urine, adding
Huang Qi 20g,
Bai Zhu 15g if there is qi deficiency. Decocting with water, 1 dose per day. If there are symptoms of fever and aversion to cold, nausea and vomiting, adding intravenous infusion of penicillin sodium and maintenance of water and electrolyte balance, medication three to seven days, intramuscular injection of 1.2 million units of long term effective penicillin to maintain treatment effect.
Result: effective rate is 97%.
Key words: Ma Huang Lian Qiao Chi Xiao Dou Tang, primary glomerulonephritis, acute attack, herbs
Writer: Maoqing Tan
TCM department, Bao An district? Song Gang town people's hospital, Shenzhen city, Guang Dong province (518105)