OpenTCM :: Acupuncture Distance Learning  



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Scalp Acupuncture

1. Insertion of Needle
Prompt puncture: The needle is pinched by the thumb and index finger two centimetres back from the tip. Directed at the targeted stimulating area and with the tips of the thumb and index finger being 5-10 centimetres above the scalp, the tip of the needle is promptly punctured through the skin to the subcutaneous or muscular layer from a distance of 10-20 centimetres by quickly lifting the back of the hand and pushing down.
Quick push: After promptly puncturing needle through the skin, it is quickly pushed inward along the stimulating area to adequate depth without the needle being manipulated.

2. Manipulation of Needle
Using the pad of thumb and the radial border of first joint of the index finger to quickly twist the needle without lifting and thrusting it. While manipulating the needle, the shoulder, elbow, wrist and thumb of the physician should be maintained in a fixed position to avoid changing the direction of the needle. Normally, the needle is manipulated about 200 times per minute, 405 times per minute at most. The manipulation goes on for 0.5-1 minute and then needling sensation may appear and last for 5-10 minutes. Therefore, the manipulation should be repeated twice after intervals of 5-10 minutes. Quick manipulation of needle can generate a stronger stimulation in the patient and thus better therapeutic results.


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