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Ideological work for the patient should be made carefully during application of pointing therapy in order to gain patient initiative and confidence.

In order to avoid to injure patient skin, physician's finger nails should be cut and covered with adhesive plaste. On application of treatment, the skill of operation should be very gentle in order to relieve the therapeutic reaction, the slight skill should be given in the end of rach treatment.

Usually, the diagnosis can be made by means of four methods of examination, but sometimes the modern scientific physical and lab examination should be made to confirm the diagnosis.

In general, after performance of pointing treatment, some sensations such ache, numbness, fullness, redness or spasm may appear locally, they will be disappeared quickly.
The treatment is given once a day, twice a day for acute cases. Every 10 days is taken as a course of treatment for the patient with a mild symptom and a short duration of illness. For the chronic cases, the course of treatment may be 1 to 2 months.

Key Words: acupressure cautions, clinical application


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