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External Medicine

Writer: Yuhui Leng
TCM department, Fuzhou city Jin Zhou medical university affiliated No.1 hospital, Liaoning province (121001)

There are 100 clinic patients who suffered with kidney stone. Differentiation: (1) downward flow of damp-heat, (2) deficiency complicated with excess, (3) Qi and blood deficiency. Downward flow of damp-heat is more common in clinic. Prescription includes Jin Qian Cao, Che Qian Zi, Ji Nei Jin, Hai Jin Sha, Hua Shi, Jin Yin Hua, Dong Gua Ren, Yan Hu Suo, Bai Mao Gen, raw Gan Cao, Wang Bu Liu Xing, Shi Wei. We should modify the prescription according to different syndrome. Adding Du Zhong, Sang Ji Sheng to strengthen lumbar and reinforce kidney if there is severe lumbar pain. Adding Di Yu, Xiao Ji to cool blood and stop bleeding if there is urine bleeding. Adding Pu Gong Ying and Huang Bai to clear heat and disperse fire if there is combination of fever.

Treatment result: healing rate is 93%.

Key words: Rong Shi Tang, kidney stone

Writer: Yuhui Leng
TCM department, Fuzhou city Jin Zhou medical university affiliated No.1 hospital, Liaoning province (121001)


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