There are 28 patients (8 males and 20 females) who suffer from Postoperative abdominal pain due to various reasons (except cancer). Treatment method: basic prescription including Gui Zhi 10g, Bai Shao Yao 30g, prepared Gan Cao 10g, Yan Hu Suo 10g, Rou Gui 3g (decoct later), Da Zao 10 pieces. 20 Days are one course. Modification: adding Jin Yin Hua, Pu Gong Ying if there is increasing leucocyte; adding Huang Qi and Dang Gui if the amount of hemoglobin and red cell are below normal; adding Gan Jiang, Shu Fu Zi pieces (decoct 1 hour earlier) if there are abdominal pain and cold sensation, cold four limbs; adding Sha Shen, Mai Dong if there is abdominal pain, dry mouth and excessive drinking; adding Zhui Ci if there is pain; adding Pu Huang, Wu Ling Zhi if there is purplish dark tongue; adding Chai Hu, Zhi Shi, Xiang Fu if there are dumps, abdominal pain-distention.
Treatment result: total effective rate is 97%.
Key words: Gui Zhi Tang with modification, Postoperative Abdominal Pain
Writer: Xiangjin Zhang
Xin Yuan spinning Co., Ltd hospital, Hejin city, Shanxi province (043300)