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Internal Medicine

The writer used self built Li Dan Tang treating 36 cases of acute cholecystitis, acute attack of chronic cholecystitis, and got satisfied treatment effect. Treatment method: basic prescription including Hong Teng, Bai Jiang Cao, Huang Qin, Yan Hu Suo, Chuan Lian Zi, Yu Jin, Zhi Shi, Da Fu Pi, Gan Cao. Modification: adding Jin Yin Hua and Lian Qiao if there is excessive heat; adding Yin Chen, Zhi Zi, Da Huang if there is jaundice; adding Cang Zhu, Fu Ling if there is severe dampness; adding Jin Qian Cao if there is combination of concretion; adding Dan Shen if there is blood stagnation.

Treatment result: the course in this group is 3-28 days, 8.8 days as average. 2 Patients who have combination of gall-stone transferred to surgery treatment. There are 28 cases healed; 6 cases with effect.

Key words: acute cholecystitis, clinical experience

Writer: Xin Dong
Hanqu district hospital, Tianjin (300480)


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