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Internal Medicine

The differentiations and treatments of old aged heart failure mainly include two types, heart yang deficiency and heart yin deficiency, and the basic principles are warming heart yang and nourishing heart yin. Apply Si Jun Zi Tang combining with Gui Zhi Gan Cao Tang and Huang Qi, etc for yang deficiency; add Sha Shen, Yu Zhu and Nu Zhen Zi etc in Sheng Mai San for yin deficiency. On this basis, add Tao Hong Yin for blood stasis, Wu Ling San and Wu Pi Yin for severe edema; Su Zi, Bai Jie Zi, Lai Fu Zi and Dan Nan Xing, etc for cough, dyspnea and phlegm.
For the differentiations and treatments of old aged heart failure, we should pay attention to combine syndrome with symptoms and treat with flexibility. Modify the prescription according to different etiology.  Most etiology are coronary heart disease, qi deficiency and blood stasis; apply Tao Hong Yin with Ren Shen, Bai Zhu and Huang Qi to benefit qi, eliminate stasis, warm up yang and promote meridians; the rheumatic heart disease breaks out when attacked by wind, cold and damp, the treatment principles are adding Wei Ling Xian, Sang Ji Sheng, Xian Cao, Fang Ji, ji Xue Teng, Tao Ren and Hong Hua on the basic prescriptions to dispel wind and damp; for pulmonary heart disease, combine with San Zi Yang Qin Wan and Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan to warm kidney, control qi and relieve dyspnea; for?hypertensive heart disease, most of them are excess of liver yang, modify  Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin to reduce hyperactive Liver Yang; for the patients with diabetes history, most of them are deficiency of both qi and yin, and apply Si Jun Zi Tang with Ge Gen, Huang Qi, Huang Jing, Huang Lian and Wu Wei Zi, etc.

Key words: old aged heart failure, Si Jun Zi Tang, Sheng Mai San, Tao Hong Yin, San Zi Yang Qin Wan, Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan, Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin

Writer: Xiangdang Sun, Jianjun Liu
Dashiqiao hospital, Railway bureau, Shenyang (115100)
Traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Dashiqiao, Liaoning province


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