Radiotherapy is the first choice for nasopharyngeal carcinoma at present. However, the reaction of radiotherapy is insufferable for some patients and the treatment is forced to stop. We have treated 70 cases of NPC by Chinese herbs named as Yang Yin Huo Xue Fang combining with radiotherapy, taken observations on them and received satisfying curative effects. The materials which are during 5 years followed-up are reported as follows.
70 cases of NPC were randomized into 2 groups after hospitalization: treatment group (herbs and radiotherapy), 36 cases; control group ( only radiotherapy ), 34 cases. Both groups are treated by 60Co external exposure at original focus; 60Co external exposure at deeper region and X-ray external exposure on neck; 5 times a week, 2Gy for once, 60-70Gy in total/6-7 weeks; the treatment is divided into two sections, 4 weeks for each, 3-4 weeks’ break between the two sections. The treatment group is also treated by Chinese herbs named as Yang Yin Huo Xue Fang ( prescription to nourish yin and activate blood ) when the radiotherapy starts. Tian Hua Fen, Sha Shen, Mai Men Dong, Xuan Shen, Shan Dou Gen, Gang Mei Gen, Dan Shen, Hong Hua, Chi Shao, Di Long, Bai Mao Gen, Huang Qin, Jin Yin Hua, Tai Zi Shen, Huang Qi. Once a day, be decocted, twice a day with oral taking. Modification: apply burn Zhi Zi and Ce Bai Ye for epistaxis; add Hai Zao and Kun Bu for large phyma on the neck; add Xia Ku Cao and Man Jing Zi for tinnitus and diplopia; add Shan Zha and Gu Ya Mai Ya etc. for poor appetite; add Fu Ling and Bai Zhu for spleen deficiency, damp stagnation; add Pu Gong Ying, Di Ding and Ye Ju Hua for oral ulcer; add ji Xue Teng, E Jiao and Shi Wei for leucocyte decreasing; add Pang Da Hai and Yu Zhu for hoarse voice; add Xin Yi Hua and Cang Er Zi for nasal obstruction; add Bai Zhi and Qiang Huo for headache. After the curative course of radiotherapy, subtract Chi Shao, Hong Hua, Huang Qin, and add Fu Ling, Bai Zhu, Shan Yao and Yi Yi Ren. Take the drugs every day for 3~6 months, then take it 4-5 days in every week and continue for more than half years.
(1) radiotherapy acute reactions and fulfillment rate of radiotherapy: the incidence rates of both groups’ radiotherapy acute reactions are similar, such as dry mouth and tongue, sore and swelling of throat, oral ulcer, dizziness, fatigue, poor appetite, radiodermatitis on neck and leucocyte decreasing, etc, while the reaction degree of treatment degree is less than that of control group. Therefore, the fulfillment rate of radiotherapy of treatment group is 100% and the fulfillment rate of radiotherapy of treatment group is 82.35%;
(2) Quality of life: take the evaluation 3 months and 1 year after radiotherapy; it is considered to be improved if the scoring increase according to Karnofsky scoring. After 3 months treatment, 29 cases in treatment group are improved, while 22 cases of control group are improved; After 1 year treatment, 33 cases in treatment group are improved, while 23 cases of control group are improved. The both groups have significant differences.
(3) Sequelae, recurrence rates, transfer rates: it includes radiation encephalomyelopathy, difficulty in opening mouth, fibrosis of cervical muscle, hearing loss, tympanitis and dry throat and tongue, etc. the incidence rates of both groups are similar, while the degree of treatment group is less than that of control group.
Key Words: nasopharyngeal carcinoma, radiotherapy, Yang Yin Huo Xue Fang ( prescription to nourish yin and activate blood )
Writer: Chenglin Liu, Yuandong Wang, Liping Liu, Guangye Deng
Tumor hospital, Guangzhou (510095)
The first people's hospital, Zhaoqing, Guangdong province