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Internal Medicine

Ventricular premature beat is one of the common arrhythmia caused by many reasons, and is a common clinical disease at present. Almost all the antiarrhythmic agents have the arrhythmia function in different degrees. There are 46 cases in this group, and all of them are out-patients of internal medicine and in-patients. The primary affections are 8 cases of myocarditis sequela, 11 cases of coronary heart disease, 9 cases of hypertension, 8 cases of pulmonary heart disease, and 10 cases of vegetative nerve functional disturbance.
Treatment: prescription: Dang Gui, Ju Hua, Chai Hu, Fu Ling, Bai Zhu, Ku Shen, Yu Jin, Long Chi, Chuan Xiong, Huang Lian, Zhi Gan Cao, Yuan Zhi and Suan Zao Ren. Be decocted, once a day, mix the first decoction and the second decoction into 300ml and take orally for 2~3 times. One course is 6 weeks, continue one course. Stop taking other antiarrhythmic agents during the treatment with Chinese herbs. Take the electrocardiogram contrasts before and after treatments.
Results: the total effective rate is 87%. The main pathogen of ventricular premature beat is that external panic and worries combining with internal deficiency cause this disease. In these 46 cases, all the patients have emotional changes before outbreak; 30 of them have anger causes, 9 of them have frightened history, and most of them accompany with liver qi stagnation. Therefore, we apply conventional treatment which starts from heart, and focuses on the treatment which starts from liver.

Key words: ventricular premature beat, Xiao Yao San

Writer: Guifeng Li, Yanhua zhang
Traditional Chinese medicine hospital, Ninghe county, Tianjin (301500)


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