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Gynecology and Obstetrics

There are 76 females between 47~54 years old.
Clinical syndromes: typical vasomotor syndromes such as hot flashes, sweating, palpitation and dizziness, etc; or some other metal and neural syndromes, such as emotional instability, etc. Basic prescription of Zi Shen Qing Re: Sheng Di Huang, Shan Zhu Yu, Han Lian Cao, Dang Gui, Gui Zhi, Bai Shao, Yin Chai Hu, Di Gu Pi, Dan Pi. Long Gu and Wu Wei Zi.

Modification: add Suan Zao Ren, Ye Jiao Teng, He Huan Hua and Yu Jin for emotional instability such as insomnia and irritability, etc; add Zhu Ru and Jiang Ban Xia for abnormal sense in throat (globus hystericus).

Usage: one dose a day and be decocted. 15 days' treatments are one course; evaluate the curative effects after 2 courses.

Treatment results: the total effect is 100%.

Key Words: Hot flashes, women menopause, Zi Shen Qing Re Fang

Writer: Yunhao Shen, Yinhua Lu
Xincang hospital, Pinghu, Zhejiang (314205)


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