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You are here: Home > Encyclopedia > TCM History
TCM History

Simiao Sun, a famous medical doctor in Tang dynasty, devoted his life to write down two books: Thousand Gold Worth Emergencies Prescription and A Supplement to the Essential Prescriptions Worth Thousand Gold. The former includes 30 volumes and introduce 5,300 prescriptions; the latter, 30 volumes, 2,571 prescriptions. These two books deal with the key problems of every clinical department: acupuncture and moxibustion, diet therapy, prevention, health preservation and so on. The outstanding achievement is in the treatment of deficiency diseases.
More attention was paid to education in TCM in the Song dynasty. The government set up the Imperial Medical Bureau, which was the highest department for cultivating qualified Chinese medical doctors. Weiyi Wang, a specialist in acupuncture and moxibustion, designed two life-size bronze models for teaching and examining acupuncture and moxibustion students.

Key Words: TCM, Tang and Song Dynasty

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