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Internal Medicine

There are 32 cases of cerebral thrombosis. All the patients have hemiplegia and deviation of mouths and eyes. 20 of them have difficulty of speaking, all of them diagnosed by cerebral CT. Besides, most patients have vertigo and numbness of limbs. 8 of them have hypertension.

Treatment: Bu Shen Yi Qi Huo Xue Tang and Quan Xie San. Main prescription: Yin Yang Huo, Gou Qi Zi, Sheng Di Huang, Haung Qi, Chi Shao, Dan Shen, Tao Ren, Shui Zhi, Chuan Xiong, Shan Zha, Di Long, Jiang Can, be decocted. One doses a day, Take it in oral for 3 times, and take 2g of Quan Xie Fen at each same time. One course is 25 days.

Treatment results: the total effect is 94%.

Key words: Cerebral Thrombosis, Bu Shen Yi Qi Huo Xue Tang, Quan Xie San

Writer: Zhongxiong Zhou
The first people’s hospital, Suizhou, Hubei province (441300)


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