The author have treated 20 cases of infantile nasal obstruction by dropping with Yu Xing Cao injection, and received remarkable curative effects. In these 20 cases, 5 cases have complications, 2 cases of whom are pneumonia and 3 cases of whom are bronchial infection. Clinical manifestations: nasal obstruction, unsmooth breath, frothy or yellowish and thick nasal discharge, scab in nasal meatus, frequent crying during thelasmus. Patients with complications have fever, cough, asthma, etc. Treatment: take Yu Xing Cao injection 2ml with disposable injector, put the infant in supine position, hold the head up for 30 degree and drop the injection into nostril.
Results: scabs in nasal meatus are pushed out with expiration flow soon, and then respiratory tract gets smooth. 12 cases are cured after 3 days dropping, 8 cases are cured after 5 days dropping, including complications.
Key words: nasal obstruction, Yu Xing Cao injection
Writer:Xiankui Wu
Pediatric clinic, Erlang town, Susong county, Anhui province (246513)