The main syndromes of pulmonary system disease are cough, sputum, and asthma; the stagnation and reversed flow of qi and server cough cause asthma. The TCM thinks that cough, wheezing, dyspnea, phlegm retention, palpitation and pulmonary distension, etc go by the general name of asthma. It is acute, chronic bronchitis, blocked emphysema, chronic cor pulmonale and bronchial asthma, etc, the four respiration diseases. The pulmonary system diseases will develop into the same syndromes, viz. yang deficiency and yin excess; yang deficiency means yang deficiency of both heart and lung, prolongating to yang deficiency of spleen and kidney; yin excess means excess of yin pathogens, stagnation of coldness, phlegm and stasis.
The prescription of Chuan Ke Shun Chang Tang (sef-made): Sheng Huang Qi, Dang Shen, Cang Zhu, Shan Yao, Fa Ban Xia, Yi Zhi Ren, Jie Geng, Zhi Ke, Jiu Bai, Ze Xie, Gua Lou Ke, Ting Li Zi (decoct a drug wrapped), Chi Shao, Jiang Xiang, Zhi Gan Cao, and appropriately add Gui Zhi or Zhi Fu Zi(decoct first). Efficiency: warm yang, remove phlegm and open the qi. Indication: the asthma, internal retention of water and qi, excess of yang qi, stagnation of qi and blood, stagnation of phlegm and knotted pulse, etc. (contraindicate from internal heat hurting yin).
When the disease relapses without any improvement or is hard to recover after long term western medicine treatment, give up western medicine and seek a Traditional Chinese medicine doctor. The curative effects are good: cough and asthmas will be relieved, mental status, diet and sleeping will be improved, edema and cyanosis will be relived also by 2-3 doses decoctions according to syndromes.
Key words: pulmonary system diseases, yang deficiency and yin excess
Writer: Ming Lu
Qian Dong Nan Zhou Tradition Chinese medicine, Kaili, Guizhou province (556000)