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The functional uracratia is named as enuresis also. It is a non-organic common infantile disease. We have received a satisfying effect on enuresis treatment through scalpel acupuncture combined with body acupuncture by differentiation. In the 76 cases of treatment group, there are 39 male and 37 female; the youngest is 5 years old and the eldest is 16 years old. The frequency of uracratia varies from once to more. Another 76 infants with same syndromes were chosen as the control group. Both of them have comparability.

Treatment: the treatment group is treated by scalpel acupuncture combined with body acupuncture. Choose Foot Motor Sensory Area and Reproduction Area (both sides) on the scalp, needle along the scalp of both sides alternately, and twirl the needle rapidly in 3-5 minutes till qi arrival. For the body acupoints, needle on Guanyuan (CV4) Front-Mu Point of the SmallIntestine, Zhongji (CV3) Front-Mu Point of the Bladder, Qihai (CV6) till the needling sensation transfers to perineum; needle on Sanyinjiao (SP6), Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point, Shenshu (BL23), Pangguangshu (BL28) (both sides) with twirling technique and reinforcing method till the needling sensation occurs. The control group will be treated with same body acupoints and same technique.

Curative Effect: in the scalpel group, 57 cases are cured, 18 cases are markedly improved, 1 case failed. In the control group, 30 cases are cured, 42 cases are markedly improved, 4 case failed. The difference between the both groups has significance by statistics.

Key Words: functional uracratia, differentiation and prescription

Lanying Li,  Jinzhu He, Jinming Li
Inner Mongolia Municipality Hospital (010017)
China and Mongolia Hospital, Ejina County, Mongolia


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