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Gynecology and Obstetrics

All abnormal uterine bleeding as a result of ovarian dysfunction is called dysfunctional uterine bleeding which can be classified into two types: ovulatory and anovulatory. 50 cases, only the adolescent girls and childbearing age women were studied in this clinical trail with very satisfactory results. There are 3 types in TCM: qi deficiency, blood heat and blood stasis. The effective points:

1. The crossing point in the loin between the second-toe longitudinal line and the upper 1/4 horizontal line of zone 1 in the trunk region.
2. The crossing point in the vertex between the big-toe longitudinal line running anteriorly and posteriorly in the middle of the head, and the thumb longitudinal line running laterally in the head.
3. The crossing point in the dorsum of hand between the  horizontal line of zone 1 in the upper-limb region and the longitudinal line of the index finger.
4. The crossing point in the palmar aspect of forearm between the 1/2 horizontal line of zone 2 in the upper-limb region and the longitudinal lines of the middle finger and the index finger.
5. The crossing point in the popliteal fossa between the upper ?demarcation horizontal line of zone 2 in the lower-limb region and the middle-toe longitudianl line.

During needling, the patient should feel the needling sensations at the diseased site and has a feeling of contraction in the lower abdomen.

Discussion: Only when the kidney qi is flourishing, the kidney essence is abundant, the menstrual function active, and the CV and Chong meridian vigorous, the menstruation occurs. As the liver is the place where blood is stored, the spleen is the organ governing blood, and Chong meridian is the sea of blood. The blood is the essential substance from food, which distributed in six fu organs with the function of regulating the five zang organs, turns to be seminal fluid in males, and milk upward and menstruation downward in females. When six climatic attacks, emotional stress, injured by irregular life, impaired internally by the disease or traumatic incidents, all the above factors will lead to disturbance of the functions of zang-fu organs, then induce the weakness of the kidney.

Key Words:  Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, effective points

Writer: Yaohua Zhang, Xiufu Wang
Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, China Academy of Traditional Chinese medicine, Beijing 100700


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