Liver qi deficiency: depression, easily frightened and worry, hypochondriac pain, dizziness, lassitude, deafness, worse after overstress. In the severe case, limbs numbness, muscle weakness, prolapse of internal organs, hernia, abdominal pain. Slightly red tongue with thin and white coating, wiry, slow and weak pulse. Differentiation: liver qi and gallbladder qi deficiency failing to nourish meridians and tendon. Treatment principles: we originally make Bu Qi Sheng Gan Tang including Huang Qi, Chai Hu, Zhi Ke, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Gan Cao, Chuan Xiong, Qiang Huo. According to clinical observation, this prescription is effective for the treatment of chronic hepatitis, neurasthenia, low blood sugar, insufficient blood supplying to brain, prolapse of internal organs, coastal nerve pain, hernia caused by liver qi deficiency.
Liver yang deficiency: epigastric cold sensation and pain radiating to hypochondriac region, cold sensation on external genitalia, hernia, prolapse of internal organs, irregular menstruation, dizziness, blurred vision, depression, shortness of breathing, sigh, cold sensation on the body, aversion to cold, spasm and pain on the body, pale tongue with white and watery coating, wiry and thready or deep and thready pulse. Differentiation: liver and gallbladder qi deficiency leading to yang deficiency and internal cold, obstruction of qi and blood circulation, malnourishment of meridians and tendons. Treatment principle: to promote qi circulation and lift yang up, warm liver up and eliminate cold, regulate meridians. Prescription: we originally make Wen Yang Ruan Gan Tang including Huang Qi, Chai Hu, Zhi Ke, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Gui Zhi, Wu Yao, Hui Xiang, Xi Xin, Wu Zhu Yu, Gan Cao.
Key words: liver qi deficiency, liver yang deficiency, Bu Qi Sheng Gan Tang, Wen Yang Nuan Gan Tang
Writer: Jianbang Yu, Bingbang Xu
Sino-Mongolian Hospital in Wu La Te Qian Area, Inner Mongolia (014400)
Maternal and Health Care Hospitalin Wu La Te Qian Area, Inner Mongolia