We have treated 34 cases of bleeding of digestive tract given by combination of modification of Huang Tu Tang, Wu Ji San with western drug and obtained good effect. All of cases are in-patients including 22 patients with bleeding caused by gastric or duodenal ulcer, 9 caused by acute gastric mucosa disorders, 3 caused by gastric cancer after diagnosis including history, symptoms, gastrointestinal barium perspective or gastroscope exams.
Treatment method: prescription includes Fu Long Gan, pao Fu Zi, Bai Zhu, E Jiao, dry Di Huang, Gan Cao, Huang Qin, raw Da Huang, Wu Zei Gu, Bai Ji. We boil Fu Long Gan at first and mix soup with other herbs. We reduce dosage of Fu Zi or remove Fu Zi and add Huang Lian for heat syndrome. We reduce Huang Qin or remove Huang Qin for cold syndrome. One portion with decoction a day is used. All of 34 patients are also treated by ampicillin or gentamicin, ethamsylate, P-aminomthy benzonic acid and transfusion.
Result: 30 cases: bleeding stopped including 19 stopped within 3 days and other 11 within 7 days, the rest 3 cases bleeding are caused by gastric cancer.
Key words: bleeding of digestive tract, Huang Tu Tang, Wu Ji San
Writer: Shuxin Chen
TCM Hospital in Zhaoan County, Fujian Province (363500)