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We apply Wu Mei Tang to treat 30 patients with urticaria and obtain good effect.

There are totally 30 patients with 11 acute and 19 chronic.

Treatment method: we classify Wu Mei Tang into four types according to degrees of cold and heat, deficiency and excess because differentiation of urticaria is complicated to mix cold and heat, deficiency and excess.

Wind and cold type: pale rash, itching sensation, worse after wind and cold, thin and white tongue coating, soft and slow pulse. Ingredients include Wu Mei 10g, Dang Shen 10g, Fu Zi 10g, Gan Jiang 10g, Xi Xin 3g, Dang Gui 10g, Gui Zhi 12g, Huang Bai 10g, Huang Lian 6g, (Shu) Hua Jiao 6g.

Wind and heat type: red rash, itching sensation, worse after heat, thin and yellow tongue coating, superficial and rapid pulse. Ingredients have Wu Mei 10g, Dang Shen 10g, Gan Jiang 3g, Xi Xin 2g, Dang Gui 6g, Fu Zi 3g, Gui Zhi 3g, Huang Bai 15g, Huang Lian 10g, (Shu) Hua Jiao 3g.

Excessive heat in spleen and stomach: red rash, itching sensation, abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, yellow and sticky tongue coating, rolling and rapid pulse. Ingredients have Wu Mei 15g, Dang Shen 12g, Gan Jiang 5g, Xi Xin 3g, Dang Gui 10g, Fu Pian 6g, Gui Zhi 6g, Huang Bai 20g, Huang Lian 10g, Shu Jiao 6g.

Qi and blood deficiency: repeatedly happened rash, worse after overtired, lassitude, pale tongue with thin coating, soft and thready pulse. Ingredients include Wu Mei 6g, Dang Shen 20g, Gan Jiang 6g, Xi Xin 3g, Dang Gui 15g, Fu Zi 10g, Gui Zhi 6g, Huan Bai 6g, Huang Lian 6g, (Shu) Hua Jiao 10g.

Modification: adding Fang Feng 10g, Jin Jie 10g for severe itching; adding Sheng Jiang 3 pieces, Bai Shao 10g for vomiting and abdominal pain; adding Da Huang 10g ( late decoction ) for constipation; adding Yin Hua Tan for loose stool; adding Fu Ping 10g for swollen.

In 30 cases, 19 cured ( 63.33% ); 9 improved ( 30% ); 2 no effect ( 6.67% ), so total effective rate is 93.33%

Key words: Urticaria, Wu Mei Tang

Writer: Dianku Cui, Lisheng Cui, Li Liu
Han Ku Farm 11th Team of Clinic in Tang Shan of He Bei Province (301501)


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