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Chinese Massage

Qichong (ST30) ( Qichong (ST30)) is an important acupoint in the treatment of hydroceles. 40 cases in this series aged from 2 months as the youngest to 13 years as the oldest. Usually, the sick infants or children were asked to lie in the breasts of their parents, or lie in bed. The therapist, sitting front of the patient, holds firmly and lift forcefully the abdominal muscles of the patient at ST30 perpendicularly upwards with the thumb and index finger of the right hand, and then release it swiftly; meanwhile the left index finger was used to press and massage the rim of the external inguinal ring. The procedure above was repeated 2-3 times for each session. The treatment was applied twice a week.

Results: The hydrocele completely disappeared in 32 cases. The hydrocele and cyst partly diminished in 8 cases.

Key Words: Massage ST30, hydroceles

Writer: Run Wang
Acupuncture Department, Wuwei Municipal Hospital, Gansu Province 733000


by vaisali
on Jun 19, 2015

My husband is 32years and has hydrocele are there any medicines to cure him.

[ Answer ]

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