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Traumatology and Orthopedics

Non-suppurative costal chondritis often affects the second and third ribs, which is characterized by local pain and swelling but without redness. The pain is mostly lingering with occasional megalgia. All of 116 cases were treated by acupuncture at Xuanzhong (GB39) Influential Point of the Marrow. After the needling sensation appeared, the patient was asked to make deep breathing. The needle was twirled backward with the thumb and then the quick thrusting and slow lifting manipulation was applied for 2 minutes so as to induce an evident local needling sensation that may radiate to the knee, the thigh and up to the hip. A warm sensation maybe experienced at the hypochondrium of the affected side and the pain alleviated or even disappeared immediately.

Results: Among 106 cases, 103 were cured. 38 cases had pain relieved by only one treatment, 59 by 2-3 treatments, and 6 cases by more than 5 treatments with a maximum of 12 treatments.

Key words: Non-suppurative costal chondritis, GB39

Writer:Baosheng Li
Commercial Staff and Workers' Hospital, Taiyuan (LU9)Shu-Stream Point, Yuan-Source Point 030012


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