In recent years, we apply modification of Yin Qiao Hong Jiang Jie Du Tang to treat acute pelvic inflammation and obtain good effect.
Treatment method: Treatment principles are to clear toxic heat, promote blood circulation, remove stagnation, regulate qi and eliminate dampness. Basic prescription is Yin Qiao Hong Jiang Jie Du Tang and modification is due to symptoms.
Yin Qiao Hong Jiang Jie Du Tang includes Jin Yin Hua, Lian Qiao, Hong Teng, Bai Jiang Cao, Yi Yi Ren, Tu Fu Ling, Mu Dan Pi, Huang Bai, Chi Shao, Chuan Lian Zi, Gan Cao. One decoction and two times intake a day is applied, one time intake every 6 hours is used for severe case. After decoction, we fry the used herbs with mild fire until to hot, then mix with 50ml vinegar and package them into cotton bag, place bag on painful area of abdominal region. We add Long Dan Cao for bitter taste in the mouth, hypochondriac pain, yellow or red leucorrhea caused by liver qi stagnation leading to liver fire; remove Mu Dan Pi and Chi Shao, add Cang Zhu and Bai Zhu for severe retention of dampness; remove Huang Bai, Yi Yi Ren and Tu Fu Ling, add Hong Hua, Er Zhu for blood stagnation; add Da Huang for constipation; add Mu Xiang, prepared Ru Xiang and Mo Yao for severe lower abdominal pain.
Treatment result: total effective rate is 95%.
Key Words: acute pelvic inflammation, Yin Qiao Hong Jiang Jie Du Tang
Writer: Chunyan Zhang, Wenjun Liu
TCM Hospital in Xinyang Area of Henan Province (464000)