We apply Shi Wei Wen Dan Tang to treat 32 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and compare with other treatment given by clomipramine and clonazepam. We randomly divide 62 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder into two groups including 32 in treatment group and another 32 in control group after diagnosis of problem is obsessive-compulsive disorder according to standard of CCMD-2-R. Treatment group: basic prescription includes Ren Shen, Gan Cao, Chen Pi, Fu Ling, Ban Xia, Yuan Zhi, Zhi Shi, Wu Wei Zi, Shu Di Huang, fried Zao Ren, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao. We add Shi Chang Pu, Bai Zi Ren for severe worry; add Gui Zhi, Huang Qi for severe depression. 500ml decoction and two times intake a day is applied. Control group: oral intake of clomipramine and clonazepam. During treatment for two groups, general psychological treatment ( communication, consolation and encouragement ) is combined, both groups use single-blind method.
Treatment result: in treatment group, forcing factor before and after treatment is 22.88±2.66 and 9.72±4.00; in control group, 23.8±2.83 and 9.27±3.64. There is no significant different in two groups. Heart is emperor organ that houses of the mind; gallbladder is courage organ that judges everything. Heart qi and gallbladder qi deficiency fail to house mind and judge everything. Then patients feel obsessive, compulsive, depressive, easily worry, irritability etc, treatment principle is to warm up gallbladder qi and calm down mind.
Key words: obsessive-compulsive disorder, Shi Wei Wen Dan Tang
Writer: Zedong Zhang, Yijun Wang
Retired Soldier Mental Disorder Hospital in Shuozhou City of Shanxi Province (038300)