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External Medicine

There are totally 86 patients with biliary ascariasis including 36 out-patients and 50 in-patients. 9 cases are diagnosed by sudden pricking pain on upper abdomen coming and going; 32 cases are diagnosed by barium X-ray imaging on the upper digestive tract; 45 cases are diagnosed by type-B ultrasonic. Treatment method: Primary prescription includes Wu Mei, Fei Zi, Shi Jun Zi, Bing Lang, Chuan Lian Zi, Dang Gui, Lei Wan, Jin Qian Cao, Yan Hu Suo, Yu Jin, Chuan Xiong, Zhi Zi, Da Huang. Modification: adding Fan Xie Ye; adding Jin Yin Hua, Huang Qin, Huang Lian, Chai Hu for aversion to cold and fever. Twice decoction for one portion into 400ml, 200ml oral intake every 6 hours, and 2 to 5 portions are applied.

Treatment result: 81 cases - cured ( symptoms are disappeared, ascariasis in stool, or biliary ascariasis not found through X-ray or type-B ultrasonic, ascariasis is not repeatedly happened in the following several years ). According to clinical experience of doctor Zizheng Yi, we should paralyze or eliminate ascariasis at first, then promote excretion of ascariasis to be out of biliary tract and body by stopping stagnation and benefiting Fu organs. Otherwise if ascariasis is still alive, methods of benefiting gallbladder and stopping spasm do not work. Wu Mei, Fei Zi, Shi Jun Zi, Lei Wan, Chuan Lian Zi and Pin Lang together get strong functions to inhibit and eliminate ascariasis; Zhi Zi, Yan Hu Suo, Yu Jin and Jin Qian Cao can benefit gallbladder to stop pain; Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong to promote blood circulation and remove stagnation combined with Yu Jin, Yan Hu Suo can relax LES of biliary tract according to my clinical observation; Da Huang can benefit Fu organs and promote excretion of ascariasis, so all of herbs here together are reasonable and effective.

Key words: biliary ascariasis, the methods of eliminating ascariasis, benefiting gallbladder, stopping stagnation and promoting Fu organs

Writer: Guichang Hu
Health Center in Tietong Village, Zongyang County, Anhui Province ( 246704 )


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