Type 1: Diabetes involving the upper-jiao
The syndrome is characterized by excessive thirst, polydispia, dryness of the mouth and tongue, accompanied by polyuria and polyphagia, redness over the tip of the tongue with thin and yellow coating, full and rapid pulse.
Principle of treatment:
Select points of Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin and Heart Meridian of Hand-Shaoyin as main points, and Back-Shu points and extraordinary points as supplementary points. Needling with both reinforcing and reducing method.
Shaofu (HT8) Ying-Spring Point (Shaofu (HT8) Ying-Spring Point), Xinshu (BL15) ( Xinshu (BL15)), Taiyuan (LU9)Shu-Stream Point, Yuan-Source Point (Taiyuan (LU9)Shu-Stream Point, Yuan-Source Point), Feishu (BL13) (Feishu (BL13)).
Modification according to symptoms:
For dryness of the mouth and tongue, Lianquan (CV23) (RN23) and Chengjiang (CV24) (RN24) are added; for gastric discomfort with acid regurgitation, polyorexia, Zhongwan (CV12) Front-Mu Point of the Stomach (RN12) and Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point (Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point) are added; for blurring of vision, Guangming (GB37) Luo-Connecting Point (Guangming (GB37) Luo-Connecting Point) is added; for dizziness, Shangxing (GV23) (DU 23) is added: for deficiency of Yang, apply moxibustion to Mingmen (GV4) (DU 4).
Type 2: Diabetes involving the middle-jiao
The syndrome is characterized by redoubled ingestion, polyorexia, gastric discomfort with acid regurgitation, restlessness, excessive sweat, emaciation, or constipation, It is also accompanied by polydispia and polyuria, and with yellow and dry tongue coating, slippery and rapid pulse.
Principle of treatment:
Select points of Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming and Kidney Meridian of Foot-Taiyin as main point, and Back-Shu points and extraordinary points as supplementary points. Needling with both reinforcing and reducing method.
Neiting (ST44) Ying-Spring Point(Neiting (ST44) Ying-Spring Point), Sanyinjiao (SP6) (Sanyinjiao (SP6)), Pishu (BL20) (Pishu (BL20)), Weishu (BL21) (Weishu (BL21)).
Modification according to symptoms:
For dryness of the mouth and tongue, Lianquan (RN23) and Chengjiang (RN24) are added; for gastric discomfort with acid regurgitation, polyerexia, Zhongwan (RN12) and Neiguan (PC6) are added; for blurring of vision, Guangming (GB37) is added; for dizziness, Shangxing (DU23) is added; for deficiency of Yang, apply moxibustion at Mingmen (DU4).
Type 3: Diabetes involving the lower-jiao
The syndrome is characterized by frequent urination in large quantity which is but slightly thick in quality. It includes dryness of the mouth and tongue, thirst and polydispia, dizziness, blurring of vision, flush cheeks, accompanied by a dark-purplish complexion, aversion to cold, cold limbs, extremely large quantities of urine as well as impotence, and amenorrhea. The tongue is pale with white coating, deep, thready and weak pulse.
Principle of treatment:
Select points of Kidney Meridian of Foot-Shaoyin and Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin as main points, and Back-Shu points and extraordinary points as supplementary points. Needling with both reinforcing and reducing method.
Taixi(KI3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point (Taixi(KI3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point), Taichong (LR3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point (Taichong (LR3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point), Ganshu (BL18) (Ganshu (BL18)), Shenshu (BL23) (Shenshu (BL23)).
Modification according to symptoms:
For dryness of the mouth and tongue, Lianquan (RN23) and Chengjiang (RN24) are added; for gastric discomfort with acid regurgitation, polyorexia, Zhongwan (RN12) and Neiguan (PC6) are added; for blurring of vision, Guangming (GB37) is added; for dizziness, Shangxing (DU23) is added; for deficiency of yang, use moxibustion at Mingmen (DU 4).
Key Words: diabetes, acupuncture