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Traumatology and Orthopedics

Knee joint effusion is manifested by swelling, pain, limitation of joint in moving and motor impairment on one knee or two knees. We have treated 35 cases given by oral intake and external use of Jia Wei Si Miao Tang and obtained good effect. Treatment method: main prescription includes Cang Zhu, Huang Bai, Huai Niu Xi, Yi Yi Ren, Bi Xie, Du Huo, Chuan Xiong, Wei Ling Xian, Xuan Mu Gua, Tou Gu Cao, Shen Jin Cao, ji Xue Teng. Modification: adding Chuan Shan Jia, San Leng, E Zhu for stagnation caused by chronic case; adding Tu Fu Ling, mu Fang Ji for swelling knee; adding Huang Qi, Dang Shen, Dang Gui for qi and blood deficiency; removing Du Huo, Wei Ling Xian and adding Sheng Di, Gou Ji Zi, Nu Zhen Zi for yin deficiency; adding Ba Ji Tian, Xu Duan, Tu Si Zi, Fu Zi, Rou Gui for yang deficiency.

Result: total effective rate is 91.4%.

Key words: knee joint effusion, Jia Wei Si Miao Tang

Writer: Jinmei Ma, Aiguo Liu
No. 1 People’s Hospital in Yangquan, Shanxi Province ( 045000 )


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