All of patients are treated by modification of San Ren Tang, basic ingredients of San Ren Tang includes Xing Ren 10g, Bai Dou Kou 6g, Yi Yi Ren 30g, Zhi Ke, Hou Po, Ji Nei Jin, Bai Tong Cao, Fa Ban Xia, Zhu Ye, Tu Fu Ling, Chen Pi, Dan Shen. Modification: adding Yin Chen, Jin Qian Cao for jaundice; adding vinegar Er Zhu for hypochondriac pain; adding Zhu Ru, Jiao San Xian, Chen Xiang for epigastric distention and dislike of fatness, vomiting; adding Di Gu Pi for low fever; adding Bai Mao Gen for gum bleeding and epistaxis; adding Gou Qi Zi, Nu Zhen Zi, Han Lian Cao for weakness and soreness on low back and heel pain; adding Shui Niu Jiao, Mu Dan Pi for red tongue with yellow and sticky coating; adding Dou Kou, Shi Chang Pu for white and sticky coating. Decoction once a day and frequent intake is applied, dosage for children is reduced, other drugs for treatment of chronic hepatitis are not allowed during this herbal treatment. One month treatment is one course, and three courses are continued. Total effective rate is 95.9%.
San Ren Tang has functions to promote triple energizer, we remove Hua Shi because Hua Shi is sweetish in taste and cold in property that can obstruct spleen, add Tu Fu Ling, Zhi Ke, Ji Nei Jin to benefit spleen qi, eliminate dampness, and stop toxicity. So we follow the treatment principle for liver diseases from Zhongjing Zhang – liver dysfunction can affect spleen, so we should tonify spleen at first for treatment of liver diseases. We add Dan Shen to activate blood and qi circulation because there are qi and blood stagnation caused by obstruction of heat and dampness.
Key Words: Modification of San Ren Tang, chronic hepatitis
Writer: Junsheng Li, Zhaoqi Zhang, Shuping Jin, Mintian Wu
No.5 Hospital in Shi Jiazhuang of Hebei Province
Yucheng County Hospital in Henan Province