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Abdominal Pain

Posted by: admin on Feb 03, 2008 - 06:43 PM
Internal Medicine

Type 1: Abdominal pain induced by stagnation of coldness
Sudden, violent pain which is alleviated by warmth and aggravated by coldness, loose stool or Diarrhea, borborygmus, clear urine, no thirst, cold limbs, whitish, greasy tongue coating, deep, tense pulse. The type of stagnation of coldness and qi is marked by constipation, abdominal pain with tenderness. The type of excessive exterior coldness is marked by aversion to cold and fever.
Principle of treatment:
Dispelling pathogenic cold and regulating flow of qi. Points of Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming, Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming and Spleen Meridian of Foot-Taiyin are selected. Needling with reducing method. Moxibustion is advisable.
Zhongwan (CV12) Front-Mu Point of the Stomach (RN12), Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point (Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point), Daheng (SP15) (Daheng (SP15)), Gongsun (SP4) Luo-Connecting Point, The Eight Confluent Point (Gongsun (SP4) Luo-Connecting Point, The Eight Confluent Point), Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point (Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point).
Modification according to s:
For diarrhea, cold limbs, moxibustion with salt and moxa cones is applied to Shenque (CV8) (RN8).
Type 2: Abdominal pain induced by retension of food
Distension and fullness in epigastrium and abdomen,tenderness in the pain region, abdominal pain followed and allieviated by diarrhea, aversion to food, eructation with fetid oder and acid regurgitation, greasy tongue coating, slippery pulse. Heat induced by indigestion is marked by pulse. hesitant discharge of loose stool, thirst, tongue with yellow, and sticky tongue coating, smooth, and rapid pulse.
Principle of treatment:
Promoting digestion and removing stagnated food. Points of Ren Meridian, Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming and the Stomach Meridian of Foot-Yangming are selected. Needling with reducing method.
Xiawan (CV10) (RN10), Liangmen (ST21) (Liangmen (ST21)), Tianshu (ST25) Front-Mu Point of the Large Intestine (Tianshu (ST25) Front-Mu Point of the Large Intestine), Quchi (LI11) He-Sea Point (Quchi (LI11) He-Sea Point).
Modification according to symptoms:
For thirst, Neiting (ST44) Ying-Spring Point (Neiting (ST44) Ying-Spring Point) is added; for acid regurgitation, Yanglingquan (GB34) He-Sea Point, Influential Point of Tendon (Yanglingquan (GB34) He-Sea Point, Influential Point of Tendon) is added.
Type 3: Abdominal pain indeced by stagnation of liver qi
Abdominal pain without fixed location and involving the hypochondrium region, frequent exuctation, usually induced by emotional depression, restlessness, irritability, bitter taste in mouth, thin, and white tongue coating, wiry pulse.
Principle of treatment:
Soothing the liver and regulating qi. Points of Ren Meridian, Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin and Liver Meridian of Foot-Jueyin are mainly selected. Acupuncture manipulation is usually applied.
Danzhong (CV17) Front-Mu Point of the Pericardium (RN17), Taichong (LR3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point (Taichong (LR3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point), Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point (Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point), Yanglingquan (GB34).
Modification according to symptoms:
For pain in hypochondrium, Qimen (LR14) Front-Mu Point of the Liver (Qimen (LR14) Front-Mu Point of the Liver) is added; for pain in upper abdomen, Zhongwan (RN12) is added; for pain around the umbilicus, Qihai (CV6) (RN6) and Xiawan (RN10) are added.
Type 4: Abdominal pain induced by deficiency of Yang
Dull intermittent abdominal pain, alleviated by pressure, Loose stool, pale complexion, lassituds, coldness and weakness of loins and knees, pale, swollen tongue with teeth marks on the edge, and with white coating, deep, slow and thready pulse.
Principle of treatment:
Warming and reinforcing the spleen and kidney. Back-Shu point, Front-Mu point and Ren Meridian points are mainly selected. Moxibustion is usually applied.
Pishu (BL20) (Pishu (BL20)), Shenshu (BL23) (Shenshu (BL23)), Zhangmen (LR13)Front-Mu Point of the Spleen, Influential Point of Zang Organs (Zhangmen (LR13)Front-Mu Point of the Spleen, Influential Point of Zang Organs), Guanyuan (CV4) Front-Mu Point of the SmallIntestine (RN4).
Modification according to symptoms:
For loose stool, Zusanli (ST36) and Sanyinjiao (SP6) (Sanyinjiao (SP6)) are added.
Cautions and precautions:
Acupuncture and moxibustion are effective not only in relieving abdominal pain, but also in treating primary diseases,such as acute and chronic enteritis, acute appendcitis, ulcer diseases. For cancer and calculi, acupuncture and moxibustion can only relief pain. Other therapy should be applied.

Key Words: abdominal pain, acupuncture


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