Type 1: Excess syndrome
Cases with invasion of pathogenic cold in stomach, manifesting as sudden stomachache, relieved by warm and pressure, no thirst or liking hot drink, whitish fur, stringy and tense pulse. Cases with retention of damp-heat in the interior ,manifesting as stomach distention and pain, eructation with fetid odor and acid regurgitation, thick and greasy fur, slippery pulse. Cases with hyperfunction of liver-qi attacking stomach, manifesting as stomachache accompanied by radiating pain in the chest and hypochondriacregion,frequent eructation,obstructive constipation, irritability, thin and whitish fur, stringy pulse. Cases with stagnancy of qi and blood stasis, manifesting as sting pain at fixed region, even hematemesis and dark stool, tongue with purplish spots and ecchymosis.
Principle of treatment:
Warming middle-jiao to dispel cold. Alleviating mental depression and expelling heat. Relieving depressed liver and regulating circulation of qi. Front-Mu points and He points of Foot-Yangming and points of Hand-Jueyin,foot-Jueyin and Foot-Taiyin channels are selected. Reducing method is applied. For cold syndrome, moxibustion is added.
Zhongwan (CV12) Front-Mu Point of the Stomach (RN12), Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point (Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point), Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point (Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point), Gongsun (SP4) Luo-Connecting Point, The Eight Confluent Point (Gongsun (SP4) Luo-Connecting Point, The Eight Confluent Point), Xingjian (LR2) Ying-Spring Point (Xingjian (LR2) Ying-Spring Point)
Modification according to symptoms:
For severe pain Liangqiu (ST34) (Liangqiu (ST34)) is added; for hypochondriac pain Yanglingquan (GB34) He-Sea Point, Influential Point of Tendon (Yanglingquan (GB34) He-Sea Point, Influential Point of Tendon) is added.
Type 2: Deficiency of syndrome
Cases with asthenia-cold of spleen and stomach, manifesting as dull stomacheache,frequent spitting of watery saliva, happy by warm and relieved by pressing, poor appetite, tiredness , even cold hands and feet, loose stool, pale tongue, soft and weak pulse. Cases with impairment of Yin due to stagnant heat for a long stomacheache, manifesting as burning stomachache, bitter taste and dry mouth, thirst and little drink, red and wrinkled tongue, little fur.
Principle of treatment:
Cases with deficiency of Yang are treated by warming middle-jiao and dispelling cold. Cases with deficiency of Yin are treated by reinforcing stomach and nourishing Yin. Shu points and Front-Mu points and points of Foot-Taiyin, Foot-Yangming Meridans are selected. Reinforcing method is applied.
Pishu (BL20) (Pishu (BL20)), Weishu (BL21) (Weishu (BL21)), Zhongwan (RN12), Zhangmen (LR13)Front-Mu Point of the Spleen, Influential Point of Zang Organs (Zhangmen (LR13)Front-Mu Point of the Spleen, Influential Point of Zang Organs), Zusanli (ST36), Neiguan (PC6), Sanyinjiao (SP6) (Sanyinjiao (SP6)).
Modification according to symptoms:
For bitter taste and red tongue and little fur Shaofu (HT8) Ying-Spring Point (Shaofu (HT8) Ying-Spring Point) is added; for burning sensation of stomach ,Taixi(KI3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point (Taixi(KI3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point) is added; for blood stool, Xuehai (SP10) (Xuehai (SP10)) is added; for hematemesis, Geshu (BL17) (Geshu (BL17)) is added.
Cautions and precautions:
Patients with stomachache should pay attention to diet regulation, be eupheriant, avoid tiredness and anger, give up smoking and stop drinking, have a frequent small meal and regular regimen.
Key Words: stomach-ache, acupuncture