All of Diarrhea here are due to cold with deficient type, duration is from 2 weeks to 2 months, symptoms include frequent stool, dilute stool or stool with undigested food, abdominal distention, poor appetite, loose stool coming after food intake, lassitude, pale tongue with white coating or yellow on the root of tongue. Most patients received western drug treatment but did not feel improvement so that loose stool becomes chronic. Treatment method: 50 patients are treated by Li Zhong Tang and Qing Dai, adding oral or vein fluid infusion (2:1 fluid or 3:2:1 fluid) without antibiotics for moderate or severe dehydration. Prescription includes Dang Shen, Bai Zhu, Gan Jiang, Qing Dai, Zhi Gan Cao. Modification: adding Huo Xiang, Su Ye for fever; adding Ban Xia, Chen Pi for vomiting; adding Mu Xiang, Hou Po for abdominal distention; adding Shen Qu, Mai Ya, Gu Ya for poor appetite; adding Ze Xie, Che Qian Zi for scanty urination; adding Gou Teng, Chan Tui for easily frightened.
Treatment result: Total effective rate is 92%. Liver wood has closed relation with spleen earth. This is earth deficiency with wood overacting. The treatment principle is to strengthen spleen and regulating liver. Li Zhong Tang gets functions to warm up middle jiao and eliminate cold, benefit spleen and stomach, so it is effective for the treatment of diarrhea when loose stool is caused by retention of dampness and cold with deficient type when clear qi can not go up and turbid qi can not go down. Qing Dai is salty in taste and cold in property so it can remove liver fire. This prescription is mainly warming in property, includes reinforcing within reducing, so it is effective and worth of promotion.
Key Words: Chronic infantile diarrhea, Li Zhong Tang add Qing Dai.
Writer: Yiwei Fu, Kaizhong Wang
Hospital in Mawei Developing District, Fuzhou City, Zhejiang Province (350015)