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Alopecia areata is a kind of skin disease with suddenly onset hair loses. The local skin has no color change and no other spontaneous symptoms. 30 cases in this group do not include the hair lose due to etiology of body disorders, local traumatic injury and radiotherapy or chemotherapy, physiological alopecia for persons over 50 years old.

Treatment method: treatment principle is to clear heat and eliminate phlegm; main prescription is Wen Dan Tang that includes Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Zhi Shi, Zhu Ru, zhi Gan Cao. Modification: adding Huang Lian, Mai Men Dong for irritability; adding Tao Ren, Hong Hua, Chuan Xiong for blood stagnation; adding Xiang Fu, Yu Jin for depression; adding Sheng Di Huang, Ce Bai Ye for blood heat leading to white hair increased; adding Qiang Huo, Fang Feng, Bai Ji Li for itching sensation on the local skin; adding Ze Lan, Wang Bu Liu Xing for scalp excessive fatness; adding raw Long Gu, raw Mu Li, Suan Zao Ren for insomnia with a lot of bad dreams; adding Xuan Shen, Hei Zhi Ma for excessive scalp white crumbs; adding He Tao Ren, He Shou Wu for thin hair. Herbal intake is once a day and 15 times become one treatment course, patients continue 2 to 3 courses.

Treatment result: among 38 cases, 16 cured; 14 obvious effective; 2 no effect, so total effective rate is 94.74%.

Key words: alopecia areata, phlegm and heat, Wen Dan Tang

Writer: Yanchun Ma

TCM University in Ha Erbin, Hei Longjiang Province (150040)


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