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Pulse Diagnosis

Time of pulse examination: The best time for pulse examination is at daybreak, before eating, at the minimum is 50 beats.

The position of the patient: Examining the pulse, the patient should be either sitting or lying, the hands and the heart should be close to the same level, the palms should face upward and the forearms should be even. Place s soft pillow under the wrists and remove everything that block the flow of blood, such as a watch.

Finger method
Arrangement of the fingers: Right hand to examine the patient’s left hand, middle finger and place it on the inner aspect of the high bone to determine the bar position. the length of different patients’ forearms will not all be the same.

Adjustment of the fingers: Middle finger must bend like a bow, causing the level of the three fingers to be even and the pressure to be the same. The fingers should press on the body of the vessel at 35-45° angle.

Strength of the fingers: Four aspects of the method are: lifting, seeking, pressing and pushing. Lifting is when the fingers are placed lightly upon the skin. Pressing is when the fingers press heavily. Seeking is when the pressure is neither light nor heavy, but shifting and searching. Pushing is pushing and moving the location of the fingers, seeking out the pulse body and investigating the pulse image.

Single pressing and combined pressing.


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