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The 8 Extra Meridians

The Chong Channel regulates the circulation of qi and blood of the twelve regular channels ,so it is known as the "sea of the twelve regular channels "and the "sea of blood ."

It originates in the uterus (1) where three branches immediately arise. The first branch travels along the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity, then ascends and runs inside the spinal column (2).The second branch travels up to the umbilicus along the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity (3) and spreads in the chest, then flows upward to the throat (4)and circles around the lips (5). The third branch descends and emerges in the perineum (6),and runs downward along the medial aspect of the thigh (7),terminating at the big toe (8).

Main Pathological changes:irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, uterine bleeding,deficient lactation, hematemesis, etc.

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