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The 8 Extra Meridians

The Yangqiao channel regulates the movements of the lower limbs and eyelids.

It starts from the lateral side of the heel (1).Ascending along the lateral malleolus, it passes the posterior border of the fibula.Then it runs upward along the lateral aspect of the thigh to the abdomen and the lateral aspect of the hypochondriac region,where it winds over the shoulder (2), passes through the neck to the corner of the mouth (3)and enters into the inner canthus to meet with the Yinqiao channel.It runs further upward along the urinary bladder channel of the Foot-Taiyang to the forehead and communicates with the gall bladder channel of the Foot-Shaoyang at the nape of the neck(4).
Main pathological changes:outward splay-foot, insomnia,pain in the inner canthus,etc.

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