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Internal Medicine

The author uses Zhi Gui decoction on treatment of hypotension for many years and gets good effect, the experience summary of these 88 cases are mentioned in the following. There are 60 female patients and 28 male patients, total 88 cases, all the patients have had no other abnormity after physical examination and lab test.

Treatment method: self built Zhi Gui decoction with modification: Zhi Shi, Rou Gui, Gui Zhi, raw Gan Cao. The patient with trend of bleeding is prohibited to use it. Meanwhile, we should modify the prescription according to differentiation, adding Ren Shen if there is qi deficiency, adding Mai Dong and Sha Shen if there is yin deficiency, adding Bai Shao Yao, Shu Di Huang, ji Xue Teng if there is blood deficiency. Treatment result: total effective rate is 91.0%.

Experience: hypotension is commonly seen in clinic, until to now, there is no very effective treatment method, the author uses the methods of warming and moving yang qi, promoting blood vessel and obtains satisfied effect. Rou Gui, Gui Zhi are all key herbs with the function of warming and moving yang qi, promoting blood vessel, they can invigorate the producing of qi and blood, so as to treat both the "branch" and the "root" simultaneously, combining with Zhi Shi, raw Gan Cao. This prescription has few herbs but with excellent effect, it is easy to take and has good effect, as well as valuable for clinic promotion.

Key Words: hypotension, Zhi Gui Decoction

Writer: Zhong Yan Qiu
Da Cheng Zi town Wa Fang hospital, Ning Cheng county, Chi Feng city, inner Mongolia (024227)


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