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Gynecology and Obstetrics

Writer:Lili Wang
Beijing Obstetrical and Gynecological Hospital, Beijing 100009

The non-operative treatment of ectopic pregnancy with TCM combined with western medicine has been widely used. The therapeutic results are satisfactory also. Even there are some different medical institutions; the general principle of the treatment is the same: promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.  The monitor of the blood level of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is used to guide the treatment, because it reflects the survival of trophoblasts directly. 53 cases with ectopic pregnancy were treated by this conservative method and are reported here along with the changes in blood HCG level.

Treatment: The recipe was composed of Dan Shen, Chi Shao, San Leng, E Zhu, Tao Ren, Zao Jiao Ci,  and Xia Ku Cao. Based on the differentiation of symptoms and signs, the recipe could be modified.  In cases accompanied with deficiency of spleen, Dang Shen and Huang Qi were added. In cases accompanied with constipation, Da Huang and Gua Lou were added. In cases accompanied with damp and heat in the lower jiao, Qu Mai, Bian Xu, Chai Hu and Huang Qin were added. In cases accompanied with abdominal pain and distention, Pu Huang, Chuan Lian Zi and Hou Po were added. One dose of the decoction was divided into 2 equal portions, taken in the morning and in the evening. The decoction should be administered until the blood HCG level has restored to normal. The blood HCG level was monitored every week by a radioimmunoassay. Watching for any changes of the mass, B-ultrasonography was carried out at regular intervals.

Results: After the recipe of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis were taken, the blood HCG level in all the 53 cases declined gradually.  The blood HCG level restored to normal in 47 cases within 4 weeks, in 51 cases within 5 weeks, and in all the 53 cases within 6 weeks. However, the rebound phenomenon of the blood HCG level was found in 7 cases during the first week, which restored to normal after continual administration of the decoction. Also after treatment, the masses disappeared in 19 cases within 3 months, in 16 cases within 3-6 months and in 6 cases over 6 months. 6 cases were pregnant normally after their masses had disappeared.

Key Words: Ectopic pregnancy, promoting blood and removing blood stasis, blood HCG

Writer:Lili Wang
Beijing Obstetrical and Gynecological Hospital, Beijing 100009


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