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Self Massage

1. Prescription
Whole Head: Baihui (GV20), Xinhui (GV22), Taiyang, Jingming (BL1), Tongziliao (GB1), Fengchi (GB20), Anmian,
Chest and Abdomen: Danzhong (CV17) Front-Mu Point of the Pericardium, Zhongwan (CV12) Front-Mu Point of the Stomach, Jianli (CV11), Tianshu (ST25) Front-Mu Point of the Large Intestine, Qihai (CV6), Guanyuan (CV4) Front-Mu Point of the SmallIntestine, Zhongji (CV3) Front-Mu Point of the Bladder, Qimen (LR14) Front-Mu Point of the Liver, Riyue (GB24) Front-Mu Point of the Gallbladder.
Back and Lumbar Region: Ganshu (BL18), Danshu (BL19), Pishu (BL20), Weishu (BL21), Shenshu (BL23), Dachangshu (BL25), Quchi (LI11) He-Sea Point, Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point, Neiguan (PC6) Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point, Shenmen (HT7) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Primary Point, Laogong (PC8) Ying-Spring Point, Yinxi (HT6) Xi-Cleft Point, Quze (PC3) He-Sea Point, Daling (PC7) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point.
Leg: Sanyinjiao (SP6), Taixi(KI3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point, Yinlingquan (SP9) He-Sea Point, Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point, Yanglingquan (GB34) He-Sea Point, Influential Point of Tendon, Xuanzhong (GB39) Influential Point of the Marrow, Taichong (LR3) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source Point, Xingjian (LR2) Ying-Spring Point, Yongquan (KI1) Jing-Well Point

2. Technique of Massage
2.1 Both index fingers and middle fingers wipe forehead from medial to lateral for 30 times.
2.2 Close your eyes slightly, both middle fingers or ring fingers place on the medial side of eyelids, wipe form medial to lateral respectively for 20-30 times. 
2.3 The medial sides of both thumbs knead both Taiyang for half minute.  
2.4 The medial sides of four fingers of both hands push-knead both sides of temporal region from anterior to posterior for half minute.  
2.5 Both palms root tap GV22 for 10-15 times.
2.6 Both thumbs press-knead both GB20 for 30 seconds.
2.7 Thumb-press Yintang for 20 times. 
2.8 Large thenar press-knead clockwise CV12 for 2 minutes.
2.9 Thumb-press HT7 for 10 times, CV12 for 20 times, PC6 for 20 times.
2.10 Thumb press-knead ST36 for half minute, SP6 for half minute.
2.11 Thumb push downward from SP9 to SP6 for 30 times.
Thumb push downward from GB34 to GB39 for 30 times.
2.12 Both palms rub each other until feel warming and put on both sides of lumbar region.   
Push-rub up and down from BL23 to BL25 until feel warming sensation in the local region.
2.13 One palm place on CV11 on upper abdomen, rolling knead clockwise for 30 times.
Another palm place on CV3 on lower abdomen, rolling knead clockwise for 30 times.
2.14 Both palms press both sides of head oppositely for 2 minutes. 
2.15 For disharmony of heart and kidney, flex index finger press PC7 for 1 minute.
Both thumbs press BL23 for 1 minute, KI3 for 1 minute.
2.16 For deficiency of heart-spleen, thumb press HT6 for 20 times.
Thumb press SP6 for 20 times
Both thumbs press BL20 for 20 times, BL21 for 20 times.
2.17 For damp-heat of liver-gallbladder, thumb press LR3 for 1 minute.
Thumb-press LR2 for 1 minute.
Palm-rub GB24 for 1 minute, LR14 for 1 minute.
2.18 For excessive fire in heart, small thenar rub PC8 until feel penetrating warming sensation. 
Small thenar rub KI1 until feel penetrating warming sensation.
Thumb-knead PC3 for 1 minute.


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