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Self Massage

1. Prescription
Ear Points: Ear Shenmen (HT7) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Primary Point, Sympathesis, Occiput, Heart, Liver, Stomach, Kidney, Subcortex, Helix 1-6, Ear Apex, Spleen, Heart on Posterior Surface.

2. Technique of Massage
2.1 Press ear shenmen for 30-50 times, sympathesis for 30-50 times.
2.2 Knead-press occiput for 50 times, heart for 50 times.
2.3 Press subcortex for 6-8 times.
2.4 Push-press kidney for 20 times.
2.5 Knead-press stomach for 30 seconds, liver for 30 seconds.
2.6 Press heart on posterior surface for 15 times.
2.7 Knead spleen for 1 minute.
2.8 Index finger push back surface of ear for 10-15 times.
2.9 Pinch helix point for 2 minutes.
2.10 Pinch ear apex for 6-8 times.
2.11 Knead earlobe for 1 minute.
2.12 Rub auricle for 5-8 minutes.


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