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Nei Jing
When a boy is eight years old, the kidney qi becomes replete. The hair grows, and the teeth change. At the age of sixteen, the kidney qi is exu?berant, and the reproductive material is produced. The essential qi is full and leaks. The yin and yang are harmonious, so he can be a father. At the age of twenty-four, the kidney qi is full, and the tendons and bones are strong and powerful. Thus, the wisdom teeth appear, and he reaches his ma?turity. At the age of thirty-two, the tendons and bones are prominent and prosperous, and the muscles are full and strong. At the age of forty, the kid?ney qi is declining. The hair falls, and the teeth wither. At the age of forty?-eight, the qi of the three yang channels is exhausted at the upper part of the body. The face withers, and the hair becomes to be grey. At the age of fifty-six, the liver qi begins to decline, and the tendons cannot move. At the age of sixty-four, the reproductive material is depleted. The essence is scanty, and the kidneys are feeble. The body form is entirely debilitated, and the teeth and hair disappear. The kidneys dominate water. They receive the essential qi of the five zang-organs and six fu-organs and store it. So only when the five zang-organs are prosperous, the kidneys are able to discharge seeds. Now the five zang-organs are all feeble. The tendons and bones are slouching. The reproductive material is used up. Thus, his hair becomes grey, the body is cumbersome. A man hobbles and becomes infertile.


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