When a female is seven years old, the kidney qi prevails. The teeth change, and the hair grows. When she is fourteen years old, the reproductive material is produced. The Ren channel opens. The penetrating channel turns exuberant. The menstruation comes regularly, so she can be pregnant. At the age of twenty-one, the kidney qi is full. So the wisdom teeth appear, and she reaches her maturity. At the age of twenty eight, the tendons and bones are solid. The hair is long, and the body is prosperous and strong. At the age of thirty-five, the yangming stomach channel wanes. The face begins to wither, and the hair begins to fall. At the age of forty-two, the three yang channels become feeble at the upper part of the body. The face withers, and the hair turns grey. At the age of forty-nine, the Ren channel becomes debilitated, and the qi and blood of the penetrating channel decline and become scanty. The reproductive material is exhausted, and the menstrual tunnel becomes obstructed. As the body form is destroyed greatly, a woman becomes infertile.
Key Words: discussion of heavenly truth in ancient times, in the plain questions