1. Prescription
Head and Face: Shenting (GV24), Shangxing (GV23), Baihui (GV20), Chengguang (BL6), Qucha (BL4), Cuanzhu (BL2), Jingming (BL1), Chengqi (ST1), Sibai (ST2), Yingxiang (LI20), Kouheliao (LI19),Suliao (GV25), Fengchi (GB20), Shuigou (GV26), Dicang (ST4), Taiyang, Shangen, Yintang.
Neck and Nape Region: Dazhui (GV14), Dazhu (BL11) Influential point of bone.
Lumbar and Back Region: Feishu (BL13), Geshu (BL17), Pishu (BL20), Shenshu (BL23).
Arm: Chize (LU5)He-Sea Point, Lieque (LU7)Luo-Connecting Point the Eight Confluent Point, Yuji (LU10) Ying-Spring Point, Shaoshang (LU11)Jing-Well Point, Hegu (LI4) Yuan-Source Point.
Leg: Zusanli (ST36) He-Sea Point, Yinlingquan (SP9) He-Sea Point.
2. Technique of Massage
2.1 Rub palms to warm up nose.
2.2 Two fingers push-wipe from both sides of nose to Taiyang.
2.3 Index finger press-knead LI20 for 1 minute.
2.4 Index finger press-knead BL4 for 1 minute.
2.5 Thumb and index finger of one hand push-wipe from Shangen downward to LI20, repeat the operation for 10-15 times.
2.6 Thumb-press GB20 for 1 minute.
2.7 Thumb-press GV14 for 1 minute.
2.8 Five fingers hold-pinch neck and nape.
2.9 Index finger and middle finger press-knead BL13 for 1 minute.
2.10 Both palms rub back and lumbar region until feel warming sensation.
2.11 One finger pushes LI4 for 1 minute.
2.12 One finger pushes LU7 for 1 minute.
2.13 Palm-rub big thenar until feel warming sensation.
2.14 Modification according to symptoms:
2.14.1 Acute rhinitis: Index finger press-knead GV23 for 1 minute. Index finger press-knead Yintang for 1 minute. Middle finger presses BL11 for 1-2 minutes. Big thenar rubs superior region of chest horizontally until feel warming sensation.
2.14.2 Chronic simple rhinitis, chronic hypertrophic rhinitis: Thumb-push comes and goes along the line of Yintang to GV24, repeat for 50 times with appropriate symmetrical strength. Index finger, middle finger press GV20 for 1-2 minutes, BL6 for 1-2 minutes. Both thumbs stake to both BL2 and wipe to both Taiyang, repeat the operation for 5-7 times. Thumb-knead LU11 for 1 minute. For exceeding type, add press-knead LU5 for 1 minute. For deficiency type, add thumb-press BL20 for 1 minute.
Thumb-press BL23 for 1 minute.
Index finger and middle finger stack up to press ST36 for 1 minute, SP9 for 1 minute.
2.14.3 Atrophic rhinitis: Flex thumb press-knead LI19 until feel soreness and distention sensation.
Flex thumb press-knead GV26 until feel soreness and distention sensation. Index finger push-rub both sides of bridge of nose, up to BL1 and down to LI20 until feel warming and distention sensation and find redness.
Index finger push-rub both sides of bridge of nose, up to ST1 and down to ST4 until feel warming and distention sensation and find redness. Index finger places on GV25, thumb and middle finger on both sides of GV25 respectively, hold-pinch alar for 30 times until sniveling. Index finger and middle finger flip Shangen until slight redness.
2.14.4 Allergic rhinitis: Knead BL2 for 1 minute, index finger knead both Taiyang for 1 minute. Index finger separately pushes forehead for 50 times. Both palms push cheek upward. Press-knead LU10 for 1 minute. Palm-rub Lung meridian of hand Taiyin ( running course below elbow and on the radial side) until feel warming sensation.
