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Self Massage

1. Prescription
Ear Points: Eye 1, Eye 2, Eye, Subcortex, Occiput, Sympathesis, Ear Shenmen (HT7) Shu-Stream, Yuan-Primary Point, Heart, Lung, Liver, Kidney.

2. Technique of Massage
2.1 One thumb nail push eye 1 for 30 seconds, eye 2 for 30 seconds.
One index finger nail push subcortex for 30 seconds.
2.2 Thumb and index finger of one hand pinch-knead liver with two fingers opposite force for 30 seconds.
Thumb and index finger of one hand pinch-knead sympathesis with two fingers opposite forcibly for 30 seconds.
Thumb and index finger of one hand pinch-knead occiput with two fingers opposite forcibly for 30 seconds.
2.3 Index finger nail press-pinch heart for 30 seconds, lung for 30 seconds, ear shenmen for 30 seconds.
2.4 You may use Yishi ( Benefit Vision ) pills stick and press on ear points, press for 30 seconds. Perform the technique gently and with continuous strength. 


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