Patient with leaking sweat has the symptoms of sweating ceaselessly that is more severe in daytime than that of night, laziness, fatigue, dizziness, severe palpitation, and combining with aversion to cold, lower body temperature, unwillingly to drink, small amount of urine, hands and feet is cold and with contracture or subjective sensation of contraction, even twitching etc. 13 cases all belong to outpatient without hyperthyroidism and endocrine system organic disease. Treatment method: reinforcing kidney yang, warming heart yang, replenishing spleen qi, promoting lung qi, draining water passage, regulating nutrient-defensive qi, strengthening superficial qi. We use Cinnamon Twig and Aconite Decoction in “Treatise on Cold-Attackâ€. Herb including
Gui Zhi, Shao Yao,
Gan Cao,
Fu Zi (baking them in a pan at a high temperature),
Gan Jiang,
Ba Ji Tian,
Xian Mao, Lu Jiao Jiao,
Shan Zhu Yu,
Suan Zao Ren,
Wu Wei Zi,
Dang Shen, raw
Huang Qi,
Wu Mei,
Ma Huang boot, calcining Long Mu,
Fu Ling,
Zhu Ling.
Treatment result: 5 cases were cured after taking 12 decoction; 6 cases were cured after taking 16 decoction; 1 case was cured after taking 19 decoction; 1 case was cured after taking 23 decoction. All the patients were cured after short-term treatment.
Key Words: leaking sweat, differentiation
Writer: Zhan Fa Ji, Wen Hua Ji
Ba Lin Zuo Qi hospital, Inner Mongolia (025450)